Organizations deploy several resources and invest a lot of money to attain the most talented candidates in the market. Finding a top-class candidate is harder
Making job hunting easier for the long-term unemployed.
In 2020, the highest number of unemployed people in Canada were out of a job for more than a year. Finding work for such individuals
How job boards can meet high employment demands in a vaccination season
As we know, unemployment levels had peaked globally in the early months of the coronavirus pandemic. In Canada, up to 213,000 jobs have been lost
Reacting to mass unemployment in the UK with effective job automation
Job losses in the UK over the past year have increased manifold. The UK labor market is in a need to create several employment opportunities
Are job boards gradually falling behind the curve in the recruitment industry?
As we know, millions of Americans have lost their jobs due to the ongoing crisis. On closely analyzing the US job posting trends, job boards’
Problems with job posting aggregators you didn’t know about
Many standard job boards are populated with job postings by using a client job posting API. They can simply upload a list of job postings
The importance of job wrapping for recruitment advertising
Although prima facie, there may seem to be very little connection between the two, the importance of job wrapping for recruitment advertising should not be
A job board owner’s guide to beating professional networking platforms
If you ask any employer what their favorite mode of reaching out to and finding new candidates is, there’s a high probability that you’ll receive
How a new presidency can impact the US recruitment market
Regardless of which side you supported or voted for this November, the imminence of a new presidency must have well and truly sunk in by
What Singaporean job boards can learn from the SGUnited Jobs and Skills package?
The SGUnited Jobs initiative, a part of the supplementary resilience budget, was created by the Government of Singapore to help individuals find jobs amid the