The job/recruitment world moves fast and every moment counts. Thousands, if not millions of jobs are posted on a daily basis, and with the proliferation
Tag: automated job scraping
What do employers want from a job board?
Simplicity. There, we said it right away. Employers want job boards to simplify their recruitment process. They want job boards to make the recruitment process
How having an automated job feed can increase job board revenue
Every business in every sector is ultimately driven by its bottom line. Your financial earnings show your strength and position in the market. Whether you
UK job boards, brace for Brexit’s impact!
The Industrial Revolution was perhaps the first major wave of change to shape UK job market. After industrialization, the World Wars and the formation of
What the UK’s leading job boards don’t want competitors to know
Do you know the story of Robert Johnson? Robert Johnson was a blues guitar legend, who inspired multiple generations of musicians after him. But, he
With great opportunity comes great competition – Can your job board handle it?
Have you ever wondered how life is like for the top 1%? People in the top 1% like Jeff Bezos have lavish mansions, private
Job boards, Recruiters, Candidates – the love triangle and how to sustain it
Gone with the wind, Casablanca, Bridget Jones’s diary, and Victoria Cristina Barcelona. Yes, they were all excellently entertaining movies. But, there’s one more factor